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2 Convenient Locations

Southfield, Michigan

17344 W. 12 Mile Rd.
Suite 106
Southfield, MI 48076
248-423-1112 (fax)

Grand Rapids, Michigan

528 Bridge St., Suite 1A
Grand Rapids, MI 49504
616-235-4420 (fax)



Debt Collector Harassment Attorney Southfield Michigan

Creditor Harassment Attorney Southfield MI

Are you looking for a fair credit reporting act attorney because of creditor or bill collector harassment in Southfield, MI?
The law offices of Nicholas A Reyna have helped many consumers stop debt collector harassment in Southfield, MI and will place you on an even playing field with collection agencies using unfair practices.

Have you been unfairly harassed by a creditor, bill collector, or collection agency in violation of the FDCPA or Fair Debt Collection Practices Act in Southfield MI and would like to sue and make them pay your damages and attorney fees?
Southfield, MI Debt collection harassment attorney Nicholas A Reyna can sue unfair bill collectors and collection agencies. He can stop the creditor harassment and recover the damages you and your family deserve. The FDCPA or Fair Debt Collection Practices Act was developed to eliminate debt collectors from using abusive, deceptive, and unfair debt collection methods.

Creditor Harassment Attorney Services

Creditor harassment can be very intrusive and disrupt the life of you and your family. The abusive calls at home, work, and on your cellular phone can be very embarrassing. There are laws to protect you from abusive debt collectors and an experienced attorney can represent you or your business with an effective debt collection defense. We provide the following services to stop collection agency and creditor harassment:

  • Collection agency harassment attorney Southfield MI
  • FDCPA Attorney Southfield MI
  • Stop creditors from calling repeatedly
  • Stop creditors from threatening to seize property or garnish wages
  • Stop creditors contacting your family or employer
  • Stop bill collectors false threats about having you arrested
  • Stop collection agency threats of legal action
  • Fair debt collection practices act attorney
  • Fair credit reporting act attorney
  • Debt collection defense
  • Stop abusive debt collectors
  • Sue abusive debt collectors for damages and attorney fees

Southfield MI Fair Credit Reporting Attorney

Our firm provides a full range of services for people who have suffered damages due to credit reporting errors. You may have been denied credit or employment opportunities because credit reporting mistakes. We offer the following credit reporting error legal services:

  • Identity theft credit reporting errors
  • Holding credit reporting agencies responsible for not removing debts that were satisfied or discharged
  • Common credit reporting error correction
  • Another persons credit history combined with your credit report
  • New account numbers on debt that has been satisfied or discharged
  • Fair credit reporting act attorney Southfield MI
  • New account numbers on debt that has been satisfied or discharged

Southfield Michigan Debt Collection Defense

If you are searching for an experienced Southfield MI debt collection defense attorney call the law offices of Nicholas A Reyna today for a free creditor harassment case evaluation. Stop creditor harassment and abusive collection agency practices. We can sue bill collectors who use unfair collection practices and recover damages and attorney fees for you or your business. Stop unfair debt collection practices in Southfield MI, call debt collector harassment attorney Nicholas A Reyna today for a free case evaluation.