Debt Collector Harassment Attorney Grand Rapids Michigan
Have you been harassed by a creditor or bill collector and are searching for an experienced fair credit reporting act attorney in Grand Rapids MI?
Nicholas A Reyna, a debt collection harassment attorney in Grand Rapids MI can stop bill collector harassment and hold collection agencies accountable for unfair and abusive collection practices.
Would you like to sue an abusive creditor, bill collector, or collection agency that has harassed you at home or work in violation of the FDCPA or Fair Debt Collection Practices Act to collect damages and attorney fees for their unfair collection practices?
Grand Rapids, MI Debt collection harassment attorney Nicholas A Reyna
can sue and recover the damages you and your family deserve from abusive and unfair collection agencies, debt collectors, and bill collectors. The FDCPA or Fair Debt Collection Practices Act was designed to eliminate abusive, deceptive, and unfair debt collection practices.
Creditor Harassment Attorney Services
An effective debt collection defense can protect you from embarrassing collection calls at work, home, and on your cellular phone. There are laws to protect you and your family from abusive and unfair debt collectors. Creditor harassment is not legal and with an experienced attorney representing you or your business the debt collectors can be held accountable. We provide the following services to stop collection agency and creditor harassment:
Collection agency harassment attorney Grand Rapids MI
FDCPA Attorney Grand Rapids MI
Stop creditors from calling repeatedly
Stop creditors from threatening to seize property or garnish wages
Stop creditors contacting your family or employer
Stop bill collectors false threats about having you arrested
Stop collection agency threats of legal action
Fair debt collection practices act attorney
Fair credit reporting act attorney
Debt collection defense
Stop abusive debt collectors
Sue abusive debt collectors for damages and attorney fees
Grand Rapids MI Fair Credit Reporting Attorney
Our FCRA law firm offers a full line of legal services for people who have incurred damages because of credit reporting errors. You and your family may have been denied credit or lower interest rates due to credit reporting mistakes. Many employers will check your credit report to determine employment eligibility. If you have incorrect information on your credit report you may be denied employment opportunities. We offer the following credit reporting error legal services:
Identity theft credit reporting errors
Holding credit reporting agencies responsible for not removing debts that were satisfied or discharged
Common credit reporting error correction
Another persons credit history combined with your credit report
New account numbers on debt that has been satisfied or discharged
Fair credit reporting act attorney Southfield MI
Grand Rapids Michigan Debt Collection Defense
Call the law offices of Nicholas A Reyna today if you need an experienced debt collection defense attorney in Southfield MI to give you a free creditor harassment case evaluation. There are laws to protect you from unfair debt collection, abusive collection agencies, and creditor harassment. We can sue bill collectors who use illegal tactics and hold them accountable for damages and attorney fees. Stop unfair and abusive debt collectors in Grand Rapids MI, call debt collector harassment attorney Nicholas A Reyna today for a free case evaluation. |